Friday, August 26, 2016

Talend Log file location

Hello friends,

Sometimes we get error, Talend is not starting and showing some error, in which dialog box says,
Open log file for details.

So now where from we get that log file, what is the file location?

the answer is following...


in above path workspace_dqtools_02 is workspace folder of your project (jobs) in that workspace folder we have .log file, which contains all error details.

We can resolve our issues using that .log file :)

Friday, April 15, 2016

How to use custom componet in Talend : tUnpivotRow

Hello friends,

here I'm going to use a custom component "tUnpivotRow", here are the steps, how one can load custom component in Talend.

above are the steps screenshots. Pic 1 we are setting component path. and in Pic 2 we are placing our custom component files. one can download this component from Talend Forge its free :)

Create unique filename using date function

Hello All,
We can use date function in order to make unique filename based on current date and time


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

xlsx file limit in Talend

Hello All,
You can only dump maximum  10,48,576 rows into ms excel (xlsx) file using talend.

Sample Error MSG:

Exception in component tFileOutputExcel_1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid row number (1048576) outside allowable range (0..1048575)
    at org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFSheet.createRow(

Friday, March 4, 2016

Know the table create and update date and time in mysql

How to know the last date and time of table insert and update

below is the syntax, you can use to see last table created date and time-

show table status from DBNAme like 'tableName'


Monday, February 22, 2016

Maximise speed of Oracel input componenet

We can maximize data reading speed in Oracle input by using Use cursor option,
I've checked with 65,000 and its working very fast.

Please let me know if any problem :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How to see table columns in MS SQL SERVER

How to see table columns in MS SQL SERVER
select * from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='employee'

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Create directory in Talend

Today, I'm goint to tell you, how we can create folders/directory in Talend

We use tSystem componet with commend-

"cmd /c mkdir C:\\path\\dir_to_make"

we can use many commend as per our requirement using tSystem component.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Connect MS SQL Server from Oracle SQL Developer 3.2 using JDBC


Here are the step to connect MS SQL Server from Oracle SQL Developer 3.2 using jtds-1.2.7.jar file (plugin)

1.       Open Oracle SQL Developer to go Tools Menu >> preferences

2.       In pop up window go to tree view explorer >> Database >> Third party JDBC Drivers

3.       Click on Add Entry >> select jtds-1.2.7-dist folder >> jtds-1.2.7.jar click ok

4.       Restart SQL Developer.

Now click on + button (new connection) and you will be able to connect SQL Server databases as well.

Use this link to download jtds driver

Below is the screenshot of preferences options.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How to read password value from context variable in Talend


By using tContextDump we can read all context values except passwords, tContextDump print passwords as ********** so how we can read that.

Let say we have a context variable CAT_Prod_Password which contains the password value.

So in order to read its value we can use tJava with below code-


Sample job screen shot-

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Write table name automatically for table input/output components

Hello friends,
Today I'm going to tell you how we can save out time while working with table input and output components.

Its simple, just go to component Tab>>View and writhe __TABLE__ as label format and you will see table component will show table name automatically.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Memory allocation for talend

I updated my talend 5.4 version memory setting to get maximum speed for 4GB RAM

I used below values-


Try, it works!