Monday, June 29, 2015

Getting value from input box in Talend

This post give you an idea how we can get input from user in run time.

 We use tMsgBox for this. In the above example I use tJava for validation as you can see I connected tMySqlInput (core_mysql) with IF condition.

in IF I wrote the condition-


It means if no values provided in msgbox no flow will be execute.

And in mysql input I used the code-

SELECT * FROM `temp_cust` where `E_ICO1_CD`='"+((String)globalMap.get("tMsgBox_1_RESULT"))+"'"

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

MySql useful things

How to know your database character set-

SELECT default_character_set_name FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA S
WHERE schema_name = "dbName";